Using Unicode On The Web For Polytonic Greek And Syriac .
Encoding The Vai Syllabary In Unicode .
Unicode Chart Ian Albert Com .
Unicode Chart Ian Albert Com .
0900 Devanagari .
0600 Arabic .
12000 Cuneiform .
1800 Mongolian .
2190 Arrows .
1000 Myanmar .
10300 Old Italic .
Ascii Unicode Chart Unicode 2 0 Chapter 1 Introduction Images And .
13000 Egyptian Hieroglyphs .
Ac00 Hangul Syllables .
2200 Mathematical Operators .
2600 Miscellaneous Symbols .
0f00 Tibetan .
0c80 Kannada .
0180 Latin Extended B .
2800 Braille Patterns .
2500 Box Drawing .
30a0 Katakana .
2100 Letterlike Symbols .
1f700 Alchemical Symbols .
1d100 Musical Symbols .
1fa00 Chess Symbols .
1f00 Greek Extended .
19e0 Khmer Symbols .
2980 Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols B .
1f800 Supplemental Arrows C .
1f100 Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement .
1d2e0 Mayan Numerals .
Kana Ph Devlog Meddling With Unicode And Arithmetic .
1ee00 Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols .
1f680 Transport And Map Symbols .
U10c80 Old Hungarian .
2b00 Miscellaneous Symbols And Arrows .
8 Unicode A System For Listing Text On Computer Systems From .
Writing Arabic Islamic Symbols In Libreoffice Writer Unicode .
U1ec70 Indic Siyaq Numbers .
Traditional Mongolian Unicode .
Isocpp Sg16 List Re Fwd Announcing The Unicode R Standard Version 15 0 .
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The Unicode Consortium Has Some New Emoji Ideas And This Guy Is My Fav .
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Five Ways To Subscript In Google Docs With Examples .
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Unicode字符u00ff 優文庫 .